Артқа қайту / Материалдар / Қолданушының жеке парақшасы
Аты-жөні енгізілмеген
ID номер: 13825
Барлығы: 10 материал
Презентация "English with Disney "
Сарбалиева Салтанат Айдархановна
10 Маусым 2019
People, who improving in English language, should precisely understand that using idioms in daily intercourse isn’t foppery or tribute to a style of the end of XX century. On the contrary, understanding and right using idioms testifies about high level of possession of English language.
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1 сынып
Презентация "Family duties"
Сарбалиева Салтанат Айдархановна
10 Маусым 2019
People, who improving in English language, should precisely understand that using idioms in daily intercourse isn’t foppery or tribute to a style of the end of XX century. On the contrary, understanding and right using idioms testifies about high level of possession of English language.
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3 сынып
Сабақ жоспары " Light and dark"
Сарбалиева Салтанат Айдархановна
10 Маусым 2019
People, who improving in English language, should precisely understand that using idioms in daily intercourse isn’t foppery or tribute to a style of the end of XX century. On the contrary, understanding and right using idioms testifies about high level of possession of English language.
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Сабақ жоспары
3 сынып
Сабақ жоспары "Having Fun "
Сарбалиева Салтанат Айдархановна
10 Маусым 2019
People, who improving in English language, should precisely understand that using idioms in daily intercourse isn’t foppery or tribute to a style of the end of XX century. On the contrary, understanding and right using idioms testifies about high level of possession of English language.
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Сабақ жоспары
3 сынып
Сабақ жоспары "Having Fun "
Сарбалиева Салтанат Айдархановна
10 Маусым 2019
People, who improving in English language, should precisely understand that using idioms in daily intercourse isn’t foppery or tribute to a style of the end of XX century. On the contrary, understanding and right using idioms testifies about high level of possession of English language.
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Сабақ жоспары
3 сынып
Сабақ жоспары "Buildings"
Сарбалиева Салтанат Айдархановна
10 Маусым 2019
People, who improving in English language, should precisely understand that using idioms in daily intercourse isn’t foppery or tribute to a style of the end of XX century. On the contrary, understanding and right using idioms testifies about high level of possession of English language.
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Сабақ жоспары
3 сынып
Ашық сабақ "My free time"
Сарбалиева Салтанат Айдархановна
10 Маусым 2019
People, who improving in English language, should precisely understand that using idioms in daily intercourse isn’t foppery or tribute to a style of the end of XX century. On the contrary, understanding and right using idioms testifies about high level of possession of English language.
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Ашық сабақ
2 сынып
Ашық сабақ "My favourite season"
Сарбалиева Салтанат Айдархановна
10 Маусым 2019
People, who improving in English language, should precisely understand that using idioms in daily intercourse isn’t foppery or tribute to a style of the end of XX century. On the contrary, understanding and right using idioms testifies about high level of possession of English language.
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Ашық сабақ
3 сынып
Научная работа "English idioms and their usage"
Сарбалиева Салтанат Айдархановна
10 Маусым 2019
All over the world free using idioms in speech is a difficult problem for people, learning English language as a foreign one. Idioms often cause serious difficulties even with people, who know English very well. And if they intentionally avoid using idioms, in this case their oral and written speech, most likely, will be dull and high-flown. So we think that this research is quite actual.
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8 сынып
Научная работа "English idioms and their usage"
Сарбалиева Салтанат Айдархановна
10 Маусым 2019
All over the world free using idioms in speech is a difficult problem for people, learning English language as a foreign one. Idioms often cause serious difficulties even with people, who know English very well. And if they intentionally avoid using idioms, in this case their oral and written speech, most likely, will be dull and high-flown. So we think that this research is quite actual.
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8 сынып